mmmmmmmmm SUSHI
Had a great night out with the Ussual susepcts (KoS, Welntaod & Elbereth). Closed down the Iron chef, then high tailed it to the establishment known as Flux. I have come to a conclussion, its not as fun when you are sober
J/k it was a slow night, and the new smoking ban in connecticut certainly did a number on the clientelle. its Great to come home and to know that i will be able to function normally in the morning, with out the wobbles and headache
Well, time for me to go beddy bye
peace, love and reach arounds
the one with the credit card

Had a great night out with the Ussual susepcts (KoS, Welntaod & Elbereth). Closed down the Iron chef, then high tailed it to the establishment known as Flux. I have come to a conclussion, its not as fun when you are sober

Well, time for me to go beddy bye
peace, love and reach arounds
the one with the credit card

So are you saying the life of a drunken man of leasure is more fun then mr Blue Collar???
Allez Cuisine!