Things are looking on the up and up for me right now..... i hope by saying this i don't get jinxed. You see, when ever i post good news here, who ever the higher power is at the time reads this and says... 'wait... [insert full real name] is happy?! that's not how its supposed to be. And then proceeds to Fuck me in the proverbial ass
But... fuck it
Im Happy,
Other then the fallout of parents , and a couple phone calls from missy. I am happy. I have been sleeping a little better, so much so that i was almost late to my drug test this morning, but meh, i had twenty four hours to 'go' so to speak. I havent had a cigerette since Flux wednesday night (thursday morning?)
I hope ARACHNEQUARIUS Show went off with out a hitch, i was wishing you positive thoughts the whole day, and a few naughty ones
I wish for babygirl79 day to go much better and hope she works out what she has too. I hope Su headache is gone, and that he is his happy healthy self again. I also wanna send much comfort and comforting thoughts toward my Lesbian lover MisterEel and hope everything works out for him.
and in closing i wanna tell everyone about GibblesTheChimp who i can see will provide much laughter and amusement for me.
Oh god, another friendship rant and i am not even drunk
An Odd thing happened today, as it was like in the 70's at one point, i had my back slider open, so the dogs can come and go as they please, and let the place air out a bit , im trying to take a nap in the house when all of a sudden i hear a whiz then awhack.... a little birdy flew into my house and tried to exit via the picture window in front, ouchie. I cradles the poor thing and brought it outside, eased up on my grip, and the bird just stayed there standing on my hand....... i love nature....
the bird then flew away and hit my garage.... he must be the slow learner in the family. he was ok thou and took off
Peace, Love and Happiness
*lighting strikes and hits my house*
edited to add:
I just spent that last couple hours figureing out income and bills and what not.... i am hoping to be out of debt by my birthday, and still have about 70-100 bucks spending money every week left over....... thinks are looking good indeed
fuck, im gonna start saving up into another account.... i want to go to jamaica at the end of summer

But... fuck it
Im Happy,

Other then the fallout of parents , and a couple phone calls from missy. I am happy. I have been sleeping a little better, so much so that i was almost late to my drug test this morning, but meh, i had twenty four hours to 'go' so to speak. I havent had a cigerette since Flux wednesday night (thursday morning?)
I hope ARACHNEQUARIUS Show went off with out a hitch, i was wishing you positive thoughts the whole day, and a few naughty ones

and in closing i wanna tell everyone about GibblesTheChimp who i can see will provide much laughter and amusement for me.
Oh god, another friendship rant and i am not even drunk

An Odd thing happened today, as it was like in the 70's at one point, i had my back slider open, so the dogs can come and go as they please, and let the place air out a bit , im trying to take a nap in the house when all of a sudden i hear a whiz then awhack.... a little birdy flew into my house and tried to exit via the picture window in front, ouchie. I cradles the poor thing and brought it outside, eased up on my grip, and the bird just stayed there standing on my hand....... i love nature....
the bird then flew away and hit my garage.... he must be the slow learner in the family. he was ok thou and took off
Peace, Love and Happiness
*lighting strikes and hits my house*
edited to add:
I just spent that last couple hours figureing out income and bills and what not.... i am hoping to be out of debt by my birthday, and still have about 70-100 bucks spending money every week left over....... thinks are looking good indeed
fuck, im gonna start saving up into another account.... i want to go to jamaica at the end of summer
saw a snapshot of myself in your journal...i generally act like that bird...keep on walking, tripping, stumbling & flying into things. just ask Su...he'll agree.
edited to add capital letters
[Edited on Mar 28, 2004 1:48AM]