Had a blast last night with the ussual suspects, as well as a couple new additions to the gang. The lovely and talented Amazonred13 and theretronerd turned heads, and strangled a few of them too, DaLonghair easily fit in with our antics and candidness, Suicideguy and friend made an appearence as well. Very nice people, i just hope we didn't give them nightmares ; ) And to all the nonmembers who conregated over to our little alcove to see what was going on, buy us drinks next time.
Now for the pressing matter of the pictures that are about to show up in other peoples profiles all i can say is this. " they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the ones last night, only say one thing........ "
Peace, love and Tomfoolery
the humble Buddha
everyone go give GothicNomad & SuicideGuy a
, because they are the only two who didnt get one from me yesterday
"i wanted to become a priest untill i learned the definition of celebacy"
Now for the pressing matter of the pictures that are about to show up in other peoples profiles all i can say is this. " they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the ones last night, only say one thing........ "
Peace, love and Tomfoolery
the humble Buddha
everyone go give GothicNomad & SuicideGuy a

"i wanted to become a priest untill i learned the definition of celebacy"
If you wanna get flashed...well...can't really help ya, but there are now boobs in one of the pics in the 'jayde' folder. hehehe
check out her journal to get the joke