highspeed internet bliss, who needs drugs?! ok, maybe thats pushing it.
I had a great time yesterday, My Cousins finaces was throwing a slumber party of sorts for her aunts and mother and cousins etc. So it was Dennis and I hanging out at casa de ry ry, Drinking, gaming, general mayhem, We went out to eat at the kings buffet in manchester, he must of killed about three plates of king crab legs alone.. and he is much smaller then me (weight wise). I swear you could of lost a finger if you went near his plate.. fucker was ruthless
We didnt end up going to bed till early this morning, 6 am or so.
I showed him around SG and he might become a member
Peace, Love and Piracy

I had a great time yesterday, My Cousins finaces was throwing a slumber party of sorts for her aunts and mother and cousins etc. So it was Dennis and I hanging out at casa de ry ry, Drinking, gaming, general mayhem, We went out to eat at the kings buffet in manchester, he must of killed about three plates of king crab legs alone.. and he is much smaller then me (weight wise). I swear you could of lost a finger if you went near his plate.. fucker was ruthless

I showed him around SG and he might become a member

Peace, Love and Piracy
oooohh, a new CT member?
I'd love to come to Gotham even though I'm ridiculously awkward in person...just not sure cuz I have class that Thursday morning