Ah, the dreaded valentines day is ahead. Bah humbug!! i say!! valentines day has always been a sore spot for me. so much so that one year i just slept the whole day... hehe some major abusing of over the counter and illegal substances, but oh well, the 14 of that month just didnt exist for me. The person who i ussualy spend valentines day with will be spending it with her new boy friend
alright, enough of me being a sour puss.
What's everyones plans? if any? Night in with the significant other and lube? or a night out with out panties?
im gonna be spending tommorow night watching harold and maude
Peace, Love & See through Lingerie
p.s. I love every single one of you

alright, enough of me being a sour puss.
What's everyones plans? if any? Night in with the significant other and lube? or a night out with out panties?

im gonna be spending tommorow night watching harold and maude

Peace, Love & See through Lingerie
p.s. I love every single one of you

Yeah that does sound pretty wrong but it suits you!
I'll be working later tonight, and am going to a sci-fi movie marathon starting tomorrow, Hopefully I'll also be spending some time on a magical tropical isle
Have some fun this weekend, and drink some wine in honor of those Bulgarians who risk their lives daily to provide us with stompable grapes.