Tis the season To he Jolly, and I am already a Jolly ole fat man!
First off, !emo owes me $5 bucks for stealing my idea... pay up bitch.
So, i have seen ROTK twice now, and if it wasnt such a long movie, i would go see it again. I am just that much of a fanboy geek. *sigh* In other news.... I've been driving around for a couple days now.... Feels weird driving with the left foot. feels.. Dangerous. I am a Bad driver as is... and subjecting myself to driving with the wrong foot is tantamount to suicide... Hehehe its been a lot of fun actually.
it's early, i know... but just wanted to wish everyone a very happy holiday and Hope you all find happiness in those you spend the time with. For that is the most important gift you can offer, your time & company.
PS.... Buddhas X-mas List
edited to add
OMG... 4 new sets in hte PSW group... heaven!
and yet another edit
a Link for paxilpixie and hippomonki

First off, !emo owes me $5 bucks for stealing my idea... pay up bitch.
So, i have seen ROTK twice now, and if it wasnt such a long movie, i would go see it again. I am just that much of a fanboy geek. *sigh* In other news.... I've been driving around for a couple days now.... Feels weird driving with the left foot. feels.. Dangerous. I am a Bad driver as is... and subjecting myself to driving with the wrong foot is tantamount to suicide... Hehehe its been a lot of fun actually.
it's early, i know... but just wanted to wish everyone a very happy holiday and Hope you all find happiness in those you spend the time with. For that is the most important gift you can offer, your time & company.
PS.... Buddhas X-mas List
edited to add
OMG... 4 new sets in hte PSW group... heaven!

and yet another edit
a Link for paxilpixie and hippomonki
*runs off grinning that grin*