random thought of the day:
Q: Why must all or at least one dude in evey heavy-metal thrash hardcore band have a beard? and its not just stubble, or lack of a decent shave in days, Its borderline guiness records beards.
Ive come to the conclusion that i'll never understand....
also, why must all their band names have bleed, blood, fall, death, die, etc....Seperate yourselves people. Be creative. And stop making all your chords/notes sound like their getting into horrible accidents with the chords behind and in front of them. Give them some space, yo...
Its like a huge musical pile-up. and i dont like it. and it makes my ears hurty.
-Im sorry, in advance, if i offended anyones musical stylings. If I have, let us agree to disagree.-
Q: Why must all or at least one dude in evey heavy-metal thrash hardcore band have a beard? and its not just stubble, or lack of a decent shave in days, Its borderline guiness records beards.
Ive come to the conclusion that i'll never understand....
also, why must all their band names have bleed, blood, fall, death, die, etc....Seperate yourselves people. Be creative. And stop making all your chords/notes sound like their getting into horrible accidents with the chords behind and in front of them. Give them some space, yo...
Its like a huge musical pile-up. and i dont like it. and it makes my ears hurty.
-Im sorry, in advance, if i offended anyones musical stylings. If I have, let us agree to disagree.-
its always better composed