Sorry for not viewing that much lately for I have had to study my courses that I am taking in school. As soon as my course is over I will be back to view you lovely models once again as well as the great photographer that use great Set to place you in. I know that the both of you work very hard to give...
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Well it is after midnight here and I am heading off to bed but can't wait to go through the profile that I am viewing. She is a beautiful model and I really like the way she smiles in the Set. I really look to how the Set is made now since taking photos myself. It makes me respect the photos and look for small...
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Just heard a great song before heading off to bed. It is "Final Song" by MO. She is a great singer in my book. Got to add her to my list of musician that I need to listen to while out in the parks when I can get back in them. I really miss getting out seeing them the way did. Can't wait till all...
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Today I am viewing a Lot of Sets and so far I have really enjoyed looking at them. I look at a lot of things when I look at a Set. The main thing I look for is how the Set is done. I look at the lighting on the and then where the Set is. I am learning how to do a lot of...
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Well I have come back to SG and am glad. I am about to go through all of the profiles of the people that are following me first. Then I am going to go through all of the people that I am following. There are so many beautiful women out there and I have that I am following. Hope to see you all of the...
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Don't ask how I got to the water because you would laugh very hard!!! I seen a couple of historical sites at the same time. I enjoy seeing places like that.
I will give a list very soon of all the women and follower who are GODDESS!!! And trust me it is a difficult job to do so for not wanting to hurt any of the beautiful women... WOW this is hard!!!
For the next week I will be going through the ones that are following me. Looking at all the Set I have not been through. I know there are more beauties out there but the beauties that are my followers I must see first. My Love and thanks to all of you.
Next month I will start traveling a little to different states to take some pictures of more nature. I have seen that a few of my followers like my photos I take. Please leave me suggestions if you think I can improve on them please. I am nothing but a novices at photography but hope to improve over time.
I went on a vacation for a bit and this time I let my camera at home. I felt naked without it around my neck because I could not take photos of the beauty that I had seen. Next time I will remember it....
I went on a vacation for a bit and this time I let my camera at home. I felt naked without it around my neck because I could not take photos of the beauty that I had seen. Next time I will remember it....