So what's the deal with strippers? I went to a club with the guys at work tonight... and well... I wish I had my $50 back. I was tipping all the girls as they made their circuit like a good customer. Then the one dancer I thought didn't dance very well decided to sit by me and kept demanding I buy her drinks. Then she demanded that I go up to the rack and watch her. Sigh. There's a reason I don't like strip clubs.
Right, 90% of fights will end in grappling, it is the most useful skill you will learn. Seriously, straight blast. Throws i would say are alot less useful. Boxing is ALWAYS goos though. Good for exercise, good for fights, good for toning. It should ber paired with yoga though. Keep you limber, help with focus.
I repped you in a friend thread where someone was looking for an artist.