Things could be worse, right? You can imagine ways in which all this could get worse, but then you don't want to dwell on that because maybe thinking about it might make it happen. Like you have special mind powers that no one else could handle. It's up to YOU to NOT THINK BAD THINGS.
So, if things could be worse, and aren't, that means you are supposed to be grateful that they aren't worse. You are supposed to accept this steaming pile of crap life keeps putting on your plate and smile and say, "Well, at least there's no corn."
Will there be corn?
Will there be corn?
Will there be corn?
So, if things could be worse, and aren't, that means you are supposed to be grateful that they aren't worse. You are supposed to accept this steaming pile of crap life keeps putting on your plate and smile and say, "Well, at least there's no corn."
Will there be corn?
Will there be corn?
Will there be corn?