do you know?
According to American folklore, a freshly fallen acorn placed on the windowsill will protect your home from lightning.
saturday 1st - National Putcher' Pants Back On Day.
sunday 2nd - Pre-wedding party. Most of you didn't show up, so what are we to do with all this cobbler?
monday 3rd - Labor Day
monday 10th - Clean and put away summer clothing
tuesday 11th - New Moon
wednesday 12th - Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown. Ramadan begins at sundown. The sun goes down at sundown.
saturday 15th - Have furnaces and heating systems serviced
sunday 16th - Nuptials reminds me of nipples. Take sweaters out of storage.
saturday 22nd - Yom Kippur begins at sundown
sunday 23rd - First day of Fall. Fuck yeah.
wednesday 26th - Full moon
saturday 29th - Clean and paint storm windows
do you know?
According to American folklore, a freshly fallen acorn placed on the windowsill will protect your home from lightning.
saturday 1st - National Putcher' Pants Back On Day.
sunday 2nd - Pre-wedding party. Most of you didn't show up, so what are we to do with all this cobbler?
monday 3rd - Labor Day
monday 10th - Clean and put away summer clothing
tuesday 11th - New Moon
wednesday 12th - Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown. Ramadan begins at sundown. The sun goes down at sundown.
saturday 15th - Have furnaces and heating systems serviced
sunday 16th - Nuptials reminds me of nipples. Take sweaters out of storage.
saturday 22nd - Yom Kippur begins at sundown
sunday 23rd - First day of Fall. Fuck yeah.
wednesday 26th - Full moon
saturday 29th - Clean and paint storm windows
no one else thinks it's as awesome as i do...