I thought I better record the momentous occasion of joining SG with a journal entry. Yeah.
I'm still looking around and getting to know the girls. Looks like a nice place to visit.
I'm still looking around and getting to know the girls. Looks like a nice place to visit.
how'd you get stuck in the kitsap quagmire? i checked out your picts and i'm guessing you recruit talent from out of the area. if not you might have to introduce me to a few of you friends. ( heh,heh )
purty slim pickins out here in da sticks....(spits in dirt)...
My website was down earlier this week. Really sucked. I didn't know what had happened. Turns out my domain expired and I didn't get any notices since they had the wrong email address. They put a hold on my domain for a couple days, but its back now. I'm still trying to find the time to redesign my site... I've been working on it in Adobe GoLive, but since I don't know the program well, I'm trying to learn at the same time. I hope to have it all new and improved in a couple weeks. Then I can get back to taking pictures.