I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to fun stuff. Generally I'll be playing video games whilst listening to the album Stadium Arcadium by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
My favourite video games are definitely anything 2D side scrolling platformer, such as Super Mario Bros, Bubsy and Donkey Kong Country. I own a NES, a SNES and a 64, but I mainly play on my SNES mini to save time with cables (it can be hard to plug and unplug the AV cables continuously from behind a 70inch TV).
Another one of my favourite games which I've raked up over 1000 hours on according to Steam is the indie game The Binding Of Isaac! It's an awesome cartoon-style dungeon crawler based closely on the dungeons from The Legend Of Zelda's earlier games. Though cartoony, it's definitely not for kids coz of it's grotesque imagery.
Go give it a try, Lotticia's seal of approval :P