I find it so tragic that @ilanna has succumbed to the oppression of The Haters and felt it necessary to leave the site. She is an important & beautiful SG and the site is a little darker without her bright presence. I am starting an album in her honour, she is the leading Muse and inspiration, for Inked Owls in all their daylight glory & it will be posted when I have collected the finest examples. If you want to send your pics in to me please do. For now, in introduction I will give you three of my fave Muses, there were nine Muses in total all daughters of Zeus (sorry the Ancient Greek shit again, lol), but these goddesses will give you the idea & hopefully fire your imagination & perhaps get one of your own....enjoy...
@ilanna herself, please come back babe and expose those that got to you to the community, we'll burn them at the stake & I'll hunt their souls in the night for you...OvO
Sure you'll agree it's a stunning Barn Owl. Another wonderful owled SG is the uber talented model & photographer @azera. I love this owl as there is the nice twist of humour with the Dame Edna Everage style look and the gorgeous colours. The first pic is from her set recently in MR called Mama Told Me please check it out and give her your support & love. Listen to the song too, she says "All you need is in your soul" which is a poetically beautiful thing and I reckon she has a lot of soul. The second pic is from her previous set called Reflections so you can appreciate the richness of the colour & finer details.
Next for your delectation is a beautiful Hopeful, the lovely @pinkdroid. Please check her lovely recent set out called Magic Carpet she could be close to going pink on numbers alone, hope so!!! It is a stunning owl with the book symbol for knowledge, I love the idea of wise old owls naturally (less of the old & more of the wise though preferably)......
So there you have it a taster of things to come as I collate a gallery of owl ink. I'll trade places with any of the owls above if a vacancy comes in, for now I'll keep oiling my cogs, it's tough being a magical clockwork owl. I'm keeping my beady eyes out though, OLO ,as I hunt down your owl ink, please keep all small furry pets indoors :D Would love to hear from any of you about your ink too, the story behind it, the meaning it has for you & has anyone got an actual Bubo tat?? See ya O|O & live through your hearts <3