I find it so tragic that @ilanna has succumbed to the oppression of The Haters and felt it necessary to leave the site. She is an important & beautiful SG and the site is a little darker without her bright presence. I am starting an album in her honour, she is the leading Muse and inspiration, for Inked Owls in all their daylight glory &...
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Thank you @azera & we all love you too!!
I haven't. This is definitely NOT about haters. I'll keep doing what I do on my personal website and my Social Networks. I just don't fit in here anymore, 'cause of the reasons I expose on my blog. I have a strong character, hate and opposition are not something that concerns me at all. A wise individual builts and empire with the stones people throw at him/her. ;) Greetings! <3

Ooooo This is my old buddy Hedwig, he's a big shot now and hangs out in the stars. His buddy Harry is so impressed he wears owl specs O|O ha! Hed's a big hit with the bright young things of today so sadly I don't see him much any more, we only have the occasional drink in Hooters. I may have been in the movie
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Hullooo SG folks & fellow peeper squeakers. I'm sure you would love me to be this Greek God of a man but I'm the owly one and Bubo is my family name, although technically it should be Tyto, you could give me a pet name if you wish. I am a clockwork replica of the great huntress Athena's beloved magical owl. I am well in
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