7:1 guy to girl ratio
So I'm at home sick from work today... yeah even though I snowboard for a living I still get sick i guess =/
But it has left me alot of time to think about crap the last couple days. Mainly about one of my buddies, who is ruining an oppertunity with a really awesome French chick because... well he is dumb. And how can someone being that dumb be higher on the list then myself....
OK first about the demographic here in the mountains at a ski resort town.
7:1 - guy to girl ratio... now add that about 3 of those 7 guys are homeless, couch surfing, no job bums, who some how convince the girl they are dating to pay for everything, feed them, and buy them crap.
2 of those 7 are not quite as worthless, but usually are barely surviving, living with 8 other people in a tiny apartment. They wont make you pay for everything but dutch is going to be the norm for at least 85% of your time together.
.01 of those 7 are bagillionaires. Like more money then god... but they are only here for 3-6 days a YEAR.
Now I have been told and had many lessons from my female ski / snowboard instructor friends that I am completely oblivious to when a girl is "showing interest". And that I need to practice more MA so that i dont miss it. (instructor term, it was funny to me) But now that I've been consistantly looking for the 7 signs (hey dont blame me, the girls gave me 7 ones to focus on) I havent been noticing anything... OK maybe a couple times at a show when the band was playing... but i mean its not like i can put my guitar down in the middle of a song and talk to her. Part of me doesnt give a shit... I'm happy with my life where I'm at and what i do. But the other part is pissed that douchebags, popped collars, and broke asses are better off then myself! Maybe its because i dont go to bars and hit on random girls, maybe because when i'm out snowboarding on my day off i put in headphones and keep to myself... and maybe its because all of my jobs ultimately revolve around "guy" type activites...
oh well... just thinkin... not like i really want another one of my past relaionships to come in, try and stop me from doing my jobs and enjoying life, and control any amount of free time I have. I seem to only get the crazy ones anyway....
So I'm at home sick from work today... yeah even though I snowboard for a living I still get sick i guess =/
But it has left me alot of time to think about crap the last couple days. Mainly about one of my buddies, who is ruining an oppertunity with a really awesome French chick because... well he is dumb. And how can someone being that dumb be higher on the list then myself....
OK first about the demographic here in the mountains at a ski resort town.
7:1 - guy to girl ratio... now add that about 3 of those 7 guys are homeless, couch surfing, no job bums, who some how convince the girl they are dating to pay for everything, feed them, and buy them crap.
2 of those 7 are not quite as worthless, but usually are barely surviving, living with 8 other people in a tiny apartment. They wont make you pay for everything but dutch is going to be the norm for at least 85% of your time together.
.01 of those 7 are bagillionaires. Like more money then god... but they are only here for 3-6 days a YEAR.
Now I have been told and had many lessons from my female ski / snowboard instructor friends that I am completely oblivious to when a girl is "showing interest". And that I need to practice more MA so that i dont miss it. (instructor term, it was funny to me) But now that I've been consistantly looking for the 7 signs (hey dont blame me, the girls gave me 7 ones to focus on) I havent been noticing anything... OK maybe a couple times at a show when the band was playing... but i mean its not like i can put my guitar down in the middle of a song and talk to her. Part of me doesnt give a shit... I'm happy with my life where I'm at and what i do. But the other part is pissed that douchebags, popped collars, and broke asses are better off then myself! Maybe its because i dont go to bars and hit on random girls, maybe because when i'm out snowboarding on my day off i put in headphones and keep to myself... and maybe its because all of my jobs ultimately revolve around "guy" type activites...
oh well... just thinkin... not like i really want another one of my past relaionships to come in, try and stop me from doing my jobs and enjoying life, and control any amount of free time I have. I seem to only get the crazy ones anyway....
and if you wanted to beat up all the "brosephs" then you didnt meet any locals. Most of us wont even talk to tourists when we are off work. And we dont say bro, so what you found was some of my other complaints. TOURISTS trying to PRETEND they are LOCALS... that pisses me off too =/