I'm uncomfortable in my body too. But not due to hair.
Although I've always figured that if I won the lottery, I'd get my face zapped so that hair wouldn't grow. I don't actually like having a beard, but it's better than shaving. My skin is very sensitive and my face breaks out everytime I shave.
I'm really sorry you feel messed up these days. Glad you'll be talking to someone about things.
I know I'm a stranger on the other side of the planet, but I'm sincere in offerring to listen if you ever want to talk.
I'm uncomfortable in my body too. But not due to hair.
Although I've always figured that if I won the lottery, I'd get my face zapped so that hair wouldn't grow. I don't actually like having a beard, but it's better than shaving. My skin is very sensitive and my face breaks out everytime I shave.
I'm really sorry you feel messed up these days. Glad you'll be talking to someone about things.
I know I'm a stranger on the other side of the planet, but I'm sincere in offerring to listen if you ever want to talk.