My cat is pretty, but he's dumber than grass. I told the story about him chewing on the water hose to the washer and biting a hole into it. Good thing I was home to prevent a major flood from occuring in my bathroom. He also likes to chew on electrical cords. Almost every cord in my apartment has bite marks on them, which makes me fear that one day I'll come home and find my cat smoking with a cord in his mouth. So before I leave for work, I unplug all unnecessary appliances just to be safe.
Well, all of that might be for naught, for today I have discovered my cat's latest fetish for electricity. I watched for a minute as he licked an open electical outlet, waiting for an arc to shoot out and my cat to go flying across the room. After a minute, I finally realized that the probability of him to keep licking the outlet and not getting shocked was growing slimmer, so I immediately grabbed him and gave him a few swats on the head.
Christ, should I buy childproof outlet covers so my cat won't electrocute his dumb self? Or should I give into the Foxworthy style of childproofing?
You wanna stick that fork into the outlet? Go right ahead and see what that's like. Hurt like Hell, didn't it? I betcha you won't do that again!
Well, all of that might be for naught, for today I have discovered my cat's latest fetish for electricity. I watched for a minute as he licked an open electical outlet, waiting for an arc to shoot out and my cat to go flying across the room. After a minute, I finally realized that the probability of him to keep licking the outlet and not getting shocked was growing slimmer, so I immediately grabbed him and gave him a few swats on the head.
Christ, should I buy childproof outlet covers so my cat won't electrocute his dumb self? Or should I give into the Foxworthy style of childproofing?
You wanna stick that fork into the outlet? Go right ahead and see what that's like. Hurt like Hell, didn't it? I betcha you won't do that again!
My one friends' cat peed on an electrical outlet and it shocked shot sparks out at him. The cat then proceeded to shit in the middle of his living room floor.