Gather 'round kids, Unkie Buaku gots a story fer ya...
A long time ago, a boy (23) named Buaku lived on a chicken farm in the southwest corner of Iowa. He raised lots of chickens, mostly for eggs and meat. But he also had other birds like ducks, geese and turkeys on the farm. He had one turkey in particular that stood out above the rest. This is the story of the that special turkey.
One day in the summer of 1998, Buaku got a turkey. This turkey wasn't the same as the other turkeys on the farm. This one was going to be a show turkey, like at county and state fairs. But like his pet duck Daffy, and rooster Dick, Buaku wanted to give this turkey a special name. "I dub thee Dinner," Buaku declared as he fed Dinner some cracked corn.
But even though Dinner was quite beautiful (for a turkey, I guess), he was not well received by the other birds. He would try to join the groups as they strolled about the farm, but would be chased out by the geese and roosters. He spent most of his time following the groups from a distance..alone.
He did try his hardest to gain acceptance from the other avians. They all loved the dry cat food that was placed out for the kitties. But Buaku would put the pan on top of a wood pile, out of reach for the slightly flightless birds. Dinner however, had a slender body and strong wings, enabling him to fly to the top of the pile and tip the pan over, spilling its morsels to the ground below. He would gobble with delight as the other birds rushed to the scene and fed upon the food. But alas, when Dinner tried to join them, he was chased away once again. He would wait until the rest had their fill and left, then eat whatever scraps remained.
One day, Dinner disappeared. Buaku never found out if Dinner was attacked by a fox or if he just simply ran away from the lack of love. However, it has been rumored in central Pottawattamie County that whenever mothers or fathers shouted out to their kids or farmhands "Dinner," if you listen real hard, you could hear a gobble in the distance.
Well kids, that's the story of Dinner. I'm sure you could pick out a little moral in this tale. Never get a pet turkey becuase it'll probably run away or get eaten.
A long time ago, a boy (23) named Buaku lived on a chicken farm in the southwest corner of Iowa. He raised lots of chickens, mostly for eggs and meat. But he also had other birds like ducks, geese and turkeys on the farm. He had one turkey in particular that stood out above the rest. This is the story of the that special turkey.
One day in the summer of 1998, Buaku got a turkey. This turkey wasn't the same as the other turkeys on the farm. This one was going to be a show turkey, like at county and state fairs. But like his pet duck Daffy, and rooster Dick, Buaku wanted to give this turkey a special name. "I dub thee Dinner," Buaku declared as he fed Dinner some cracked corn.
But even though Dinner was quite beautiful (for a turkey, I guess), he was not well received by the other birds. He would try to join the groups as they strolled about the farm, but would be chased out by the geese and roosters. He spent most of his time following the groups from a distance..alone.
He did try his hardest to gain acceptance from the other avians. They all loved the dry cat food that was placed out for the kitties. But Buaku would put the pan on top of a wood pile, out of reach for the slightly flightless birds. Dinner however, had a slender body and strong wings, enabling him to fly to the top of the pile and tip the pan over, spilling its morsels to the ground below. He would gobble with delight as the other birds rushed to the scene and fed upon the food. But alas, when Dinner tried to join them, he was chased away once again. He would wait until the rest had their fill and left, then eat whatever scraps remained.
One day, Dinner disappeared. Buaku never found out if Dinner was attacked by a fox or if he just simply ran away from the lack of love. However, it has been rumored in central Pottawattamie County that whenever mothers or fathers shouted out to their kids or farmhands "Dinner," if you listen real hard, you could hear a gobble in the distance.
Well kids, that's the story of Dinner. I'm sure you could pick out a little moral in this tale. Never get a pet turkey becuase it'll probably run away or get eaten.