Nostalgic Moment:
When I was a kid growing up on the farm in Iowa, our next door neighbor (1/2 mile down the road) owned a lot of the fields surrounding our farm. He rotated between soybeans and corn every year, and would hire me and my brother to walk his bean fields, cutting down any weeds or rogue corn. For his corn, he would hire a crop duster to fly over and dust his corn fields. The Council Bluffs Muncipal Airport was only a mile from my farm and the duster always came in low and buzz our farmhouse. He would proceed to swoop down low and dust the corn, then pull up and make a tight u-turn, and then swoop down low and dust again. Since my farm was almost surrounded by the neighbor's fields, he always performed a u-turn right over me and his engine would rev up with a loud "uuuwwwwWWAAAAAAAAWWwwwwuuuu" sound. I would sit on the steps outside my house all afternoon and watch the duster performing his moves over the fields like a bird of prey swooping in for a meal. While watching him soar, I would sometimes close my eyes and dream. I would dream that I had a 40mm Bofors AA gun and shoot that sonofabitch down for scaring my chickens.
When I was a kid growing up on the farm in Iowa, our next door neighbor (1/2 mile down the road) owned a lot of the fields surrounding our farm. He rotated between soybeans and corn every year, and would hire me and my brother to walk his bean fields, cutting down any weeds or rogue corn. For his corn, he would hire a crop duster to fly over and dust his corn fields. The Council Bluffs Muncipal Airport was only a mile from my farm and the duster always came in low and buzz our farmhouse. He would proceed to swoop down low and dust the corn, then pull up and make a tight u-turn, and then swoop down low and dust again. Since my farm was almost surrounded by the neighbor's fields, he always performed a u-turn right over me and his engine would rev up with a loud "uuuwwwwWWAAAAAAAAWWwwwwuuuu" sound. I would sit on the steps outside my house all afternoon and watch the duster performing his moves over the fields like a bird of prey swooping in for a meal. While watching him soar, I would sometimes close my eyes and dream. I would dream that I had a 40mm Bofors AA gun and shoot that sonofabitch down for scaring my chickens.
As to scaring your chickens...I think it would startle the bejeesus out of me as well. I know small planes land on houses.