well it seems as though i have gained 6 pounds since giving uhp meat two and a half months ago, wow, ive gained. hmm. oh well latelet it also seems as though ive been love with a certain cutie pie i know, pretty strange how mr non commiter has a huge crush on his ladyfriend hmmm, is this the end of my streak of no girlfriend (by personal decision), oh well im guessing iht ihs so be prepared because i might have to make a new journal the day after i ask her out, hmmm (again with the inner thoughts). okay time to stop tooting my own trombone here, right here. oh yeah and i gots me a cell phone yay. finnaly, all my friends are relieved now that they can finnaly have a chance to get in contact with me. well thats about all, so ill leave you with my current mind state, have a nice whatevs
not that i'm aware of....why?