I'm so tired right now, but I guess only getting two hours of sleep will do that to you. This weekend was rather awesome in my opinion. Not because I did anything really spectacular, but because I got to spend it with Emily. I hate that I still get really nervous around her though. She's the first girl that I've dated that I think is actually more awesome and interesting than I am. I know that might sound arrogant, but it's true. She's so talented and she's not afraid to go out and do what she wants. I find it both inspiring and intimidating at the same time. But I really like her, and I really enjoy spending time with her. I just wish I didn't live so damn far away so that I could see her more often.
Last night I ran a Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu) campaign instead of our normal DnD since our dm had some household problems. Fish's girlfriend Kim came up to play. I thought it was going to suck with her there, but she was actually one of the better players. It can get so frustrating with Ryan and Regan (our dm) playing. They never take anything seriously. Yes, it can be funny...but it can also be frustrating when you're trying to run a serious game. I guess I'm also at fault for letting them get away with it, but I guess I still enjoyed myself. It just seems less like Cthulhu when stupid silliness is involved.
Last night I ran a Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu) campaign instead of our normal DnD since our dm had some household problems. Fish's girlfriend Kim came up to play. I thought it was going to suck with her there, but she was actually one of the better players. It can get so frustrating with Ryan and Regan (our dm) playing. They never take anything seriously. Yes, it can be funny...but it can also be frustrating when you're trying to run a serious game. I guess I'm also at fault for letting them get away with it, but I guess I still enjoyed myself. It just seems less like Cthulhu when stupid silliness is involved.