I'm rather upset with myself. After seeing the photos that MarieArgo put up of her Lucca costume, I downloaded a SNES emulator and played Chrono Trigger all day. It was far and away my favorite game for the SNES. Now since I didn't actually have a Super Nintendo, I had to play it at my friends house. I would go over there after school and play it all the time, even when he was working. But I did a bad thing here a few minutes ago. Trying to load my saved progress from today, I accidentally saved over it all.
I guess that means I just get to play it again. I forgot how much I love older video games. As cool as some new games are, they seem to lack some of the charm you found on the NES and SNES games. Some of my all time favorite games can still be found on those systems. I want to get myself some usb controllers and really do them some justice. But until then, I'll go back to that crazy red haired boy, Chrono, and his amazing adventures through time. 

Without fail, every time I hear mention of Chrono Trigger, I *always* hear it said by the Japanese guy they had doing the voice-over in the commercials when it first came out. "Klohno Tliggah!"