I really hate my job. I hate working retail. "Hi there. How are you doing today? I have a masters degree. Will that be credit or debit?" I feel like my schooling is being wasted. I'm sorry if I offend people who are in retail, but I really didn't go to school for 7 years to be a cashier. It just seems that every job I apply to that I think I'm qualified for tells me that I don't have any field experience. How the hell am I suppose to get field experience is no one is going to hire me. I just hate having to force a smile and listen to moronic people complain or attempt to be funny. Here are some scenarios and what I say followed by what I'm actually thinking:
After item doesn't scan correctly
Customer: If it doesn't scan the first time it's free.
Me: Haha, wouldn't that be nice. (I really want to punch you in the face because that ISN'T the 1 billionth time I've heard that)
After wrong PIN is entered
Customer: But there is no way I put in the wrong pin.
Me: Well lets just try it again and hopefully it works the second time. (If you would use the stylus instead of your fucking sausage fingers we wouldn't have this problem)
After being prompted to ask for a phone number
Customer: Why? Are you planning on calling me?
Me: Haha, no, it's just for return purposes. (Why the fuck would I want to call you, you old hag...and stop thinking about me naked...gross...)
That's just a few, but this pretty much goes on all day...every day.
After item doesn't scan correctly
Customer: If it doesn't scan the first time it's free.
Me: Haha, wouldn't that be nice. (I really want to punch you in the face because that ISN'T the 1 billionth time I've heard that)
After wrong PIN is entered
Customer: But there is no way I put in the wrong pin.
Me: Well lets just try it again and hopefully it works the second time. (If you would use the stylus instead of your fucking sausage fingers we wouldn't have this problem)
After being prompted to ask for a phone number
Customer: Why? Are you planning on calling me?
Me: Haha, no, it's just for return purposes. (Why the fuck would I want to call you, you old hag...and stop thinking about me naked...gross...)
That's just a few, but this pretty much goes on all day...every day.

I only worked in retail for a while (Unless you count working at a theatre... but I think its a bit different... but at time similar) I pretty much hated it, except that I worked at a GameStop. That part was great. However, people are just stupid. I completey understand your bitching, not only because you find retail sucky like I did, but also because no one wants to work a job they hated. That's the reason you went to school for 7 years... was to get a job you liked.