I find it interesting how certain people find a way into your life. Who would have known that 10 years ago a guy who wanted to use my tv to play video games because it was the biggest on our floor would become the best friend I've ever had. People weave their way into and out of our lives...but it's always the greatest people that find a way to stick around. Ryan is my bestest of friends, and he's going to marry BetteJean, who I've come to adore, in two weeks. I couldn't be happier for them, because I couldn't imagine two people more perfect for each other. But things aren't going so well for them, and I feel terrible about it. Sometimes shitty things happen to the best people...and there aren't two greater people that I know. They deserve the best, and I wish I could give it to them. I would sacrifice everything I had if it would help them...and I would do it with a smile on my face. Ryan thanked me today, for everything that I've done and everything that I've offered to do. I felt bad because I couldn't do more.