Things to do when you're 30
[ x ] Get obliterated and forget part of your birthday
[ x ] Talk to a beautiful girl whom you did not know prior to your birthday
[ x ] Get so drunk that night that you tell that beautfiul girl that "if she were more attractive you'd hit on her.
[ x ] Aplogize profusly for above comment when you realize what you said
[ x ] Wake up late the day after 30 and wish you were dead.
[ x ] Puke.
[ x ] Take a trip to see an old friend
[ x ] Get sick on trip and drug up on Nyquil and Advil to try and enjoy trip
[ x ] Talk to a strange woman during vacation.
[ x ] Talk to a woman who is a stranger during vacation
[ ] Get laid on vacation
[ ] Fall in love, if for only a moment, on vacation.
[ x ] Come home and wish you were dead from all the alcohol swimming in your system
[ x ] Swear off alcohol for at least a month
[ x ] Drink three days later
[ x ] Swear that life is going to change starting now.
[ ] Go to a bar and approach the first beautiful girl you see
[ ] Talk to the second attractive girl you see
[ ] Talk to any girl* (*Bartneders and waitresses don't count)
[ ] Learn to rock climb
[ x ] Keep a cold for the first month of turning 30
[ x ] Make sure your cold sabotages your workout for at least three weeks
[ x ] Tell your crush that you have a crush on her
[ x ] Make sure your crush is completly uninterested in you
[ x ] Have your crush try and hook you up with an unavailable friend who will crush what self-esteem you already have.
[ x ] In light of crushed self-esteem, head to the strip club; pass the bank collect $200
[ x ] Spend next month's rent on strippers
[ ] Feel worse about yourself in the morning
[ ] In light of stripper-fest 2007, call a girl who you find attractive and who is single
[ x ] When attracitve girls are scare call someone with boobies (I love that word!)
[ x ] Sleep with what Dane Cook would refer to as, " A bucket of yuck"
[ x ] Don't call Lagoon Creature for at least three weeks
[ x ] Rekindle old friendship
[ x ] Take puppy to vet
[ x ] Go grocery shopping
[ xxx ] Masturbate (Check twice for mulitples and three times for Jesus Christ it's going to fall off!)
[ x ] Get gas
[ x ] Still talk about learning to rock climb
[ ] Actually go rock climbing
[ x ] Stress over work
[ x ] Swear that life is going to change, right now. And mean it this time.
[ x ] Take a nap after life altering statement
[ ] Go on a date with an attractive woman
[ ] Go on a date with someone
[ x ] Get out of the house for pete's sake
[ ] Find out who Pete is
[ ] Stop wasting precious seconds of life coming up with mind numbing blogs
[ x ] See if there's anything good on tv.
[ x ] Buy new movies and never watch them.
[ ] Hire a prostitue
[ ] Turn gay, just to see how the other half lives
[ ] Hire a gay prostitue
[ ] Get oil changed
[ x ] Buy new jeans that make your butt look fabulous!
[ ] Lose 10 pounds
[ x ] Drink some more
[ ] Hit on server
[ ] Did you forget to check that box?
[ x ] Buy new CD
[ ] Don't listen to CD
[ x ] Masturbate (something has to pass the time)
[ x ] End this stupid blog
[ x ] Get obliterated and forget part of your birthday
[ x ] Talk to a beautiful girl whom you did not know prior to your birthday
[ x ] Get so drunk that night that you tell that beautfiul girl that "if she were more attractive you'd hit on her.
[ x ] Aplogize profusly for above comment when you realize what you said
[ x ] Wake up late the day after 30 and wish you were dead.
[ x ] Puke.
[ x ] Take a trip to see an old friend
[ x ] Get sick on trip and drug up on Nyquil and Advil to try and enjoy trip
[ x ] Talk to a strange woman during vacation.
[ x ] Talk to a woman who is a stranger during vacation
[ ] Get laid on vacation
[ ] Fall in love, if for only a moment, on vacation.
[ x ] Come home and wish you were dead from all the alcohol swimming in your system
[ x ] Swear off alcohol for at least a month
[ x ] Drink three days later
[ x ] Swear that life is going to change starting now.
[ ] Go to a bar and approach the first beautiful girl you see
[ ] Talk to the second attractive girl you see
[ ] Talk to any girl* (*Bartneders and waitresses don't count)
[ ] Learn to rock climb
[ x ] Keep a cold for the first month of turning 30
[ x ] Make sure your cold sabotages your workout for at least three weeks
[ x ] Tell your crush that you have a crush on her
[ x ] Make sure your crush is completly uninterested in you
[ x ] Have your crush try and hook you up with an unavailable friend who will crush what self-esteem you already have.
[ x ] In light of crushed self-esteem, head to the strip club; pass the bank collect $200
[ x ] Spend next month's rent on strippers
[ ] Feel worse about yourself in the morning
[ ] In light of stripper-fest 2007, call a girl who you find attractive and who is single
[ x ] When attracitve girls are scare call someone with boobies (I love that word!)
[ x ] Sleep with what Dane Cook would refer to as, " A bucket of yuck"
[ x ] Don't call Lagoon Creature for at least three weeks
[ x ] Rekindle old friendship
[ x ] Take puppy to vet
[ x ] Go grocery shopping
[ xxx ] Masturbate (Check twice for mulitples and three times for Jesus Christ it's going to fall off!)
[ x ] Get gas
[ x ] Still talk about learning to rock climb
[ ] Actually go rock climbing
[ x ] Stress over work
[ x ] Swear that life is going to change, right now. And mean it this time.
[ x ] Take a nap after life altering statement
[ ] Go on a date with an attractive woman
[ ] Go on a date with someone
[ x ] Get out of the house for pete's sake
[ ] Find out who Pete is
[ ] Stop wasting precious seconds of life coming up with mind numbing blogs
[ x ] See if there's anything good on tv.
[ x ] Buy new movies and never watch them.
[ ] Hire a prostitue
[ ] Turn gay, just to see how the other half lives
[ ] Hire a gay prostitue
[ ] Get oil changed
[ x ] Buy new jeans that make your butt look fabulous!
[ ] Lose 10 pounds
[ x ] Drink some more
[ ] Hit on server
[ ] Did you forget to check that box?
[ x ] Buy new CD
[ ] Don't listen to CD
[ x ] Masturbate (something has to pass the time)
[ x ] End this stupid blog