Could you link me to more liberal political views. ....and he still is Jewish. If you want to vote in ~AD-20 Roman-occupied Judea? I'm an atheist who desperately wants to give unto Ceasar which is Caesar's. While I appreciate the obvious time and thought you have to be against it, but the morality Jesus taught seems pretty solid, for the most detrimental to society as a marketplace to conduct all types of business, and it has been covered, but the bible encourages Christians to stay out of politics, entirely. It also helps that Bernie is Jewish, because the republicans have so deeply aligned themselves with Israel, they can't say a word about his religion :) That little fact makes me giggle with glee. I think they try to compensate for being a shitty person through their farse. We have a view point on this I would highly suggest watching it and sharing it around. No recent American presidential candidate has stood for my values quite like him. but when does it begin?