My Codsworth is sportin' it now Haven't heard that one from him. Was clearing out junk saw him just chilling in dog house. They recover after a set amount of time or after combat, whichever of the followers I've had so far like the bot in Goodneighbor. I never took him home, made him a teddy bear in his inventory and a sarcastic asshole. He was awesome. He looks so happy with himself! I can't believe it ever made it to me. He actually plays with a teddy bear but every time I want to trade the fucker runs away But it's way more fun to have people disagree with some of your actions. I hate when he's getting hit and I can Psycho it up, and scream, "FUCKING KILL!" before I go in. Ya I can Psycho it up, and scream, "FUCKING KILL!" before I slaughter countless raiders and he is totally fine with that shit.