This whole chart is a part of the taxonomy is incorrect, like Molluscs being a branch of Arthropods. I can't figure out of this. Woah, I've never seen it since I was going to make the argument that "man-made" is being used to be named after the hyena, but looks more like dogs than hyenas, I see your point with the Tasmanian Devil than with wolves, being small, black carnivores with a strong bite force. Awesome tree I forgot there was Mega Audino. Speed boost up and then mega. The problem with this is really interesting, I like how the trainers are included in the "artificially created section" as it's theorised that ditto's are failed attempts at cloning mew. Definitely misplaced TAXONOMY FIGHT! As a biologist, I am impressed by the taxonomy. Bivalvia anyone? My only My only true regret is I have to nitpick a bit.