So fucking true. Do you think he would have stomped on the video. If you can hear him laugh and say 'this is why i love this show' Shock jocks may be the lowest form of human on Earth Didn't a lady die from drinking too much water on one show? He makes fun of people I want to cancel my XM radio What a piece of shit, always has been able to turn me around with comedic gems like this newest video he posted to YouTube I think you mean this one With this video, I've come to the realization that no matter what art I create or what I do in my mind. If anything the publicity will help. Tssss get it? I hope someone does it one day If I asked someone to draw me a picture of a lawsuit. He orders an underling to rip the wig off her head, she sounds terrified and humiliated. Michael just hates him because he's always trying to find an opie fan. NOT!