Hi lovelies!
Y'all know how much I love questionnaires, so here's another one! Thanks to beautiful @melissalalucy for tagging me 🖤
· If you were someone of the opposite gender to yours, what would you do?
That's tricky, would I remember being a woman or not? If yes, I'd explore the new body and sensations.
· What is the craziest cause why you have stopped liking someone?
I usually have very good reasons for not liking someone, so I don't have an answer for this.
· What would be the first thing you buy if you had a million pound?
I think I wouldn't buy much, I'd spend it all in food and travels.
· If my answer was YES to everything, what would you ask?
Nothing, as I don't feel comfortable with forcing people, and also I have no idea to whom I am speaking.
· What is the strangest place where you have slept?
On the floor in a sport palace at Ragnarök Festival during Kampfar performance. I was so tired nothing could stop me 🤣
· What is the strangest place you have visited?
I visited a museum about witchcraft in Triora, Liguria
· At what age did you notice that you can't say “parallelepiped” without pressing your lips together?
Why would anyone notice?
· Describe yourself in 5 words.
Lazy, friendly, easy, clear, direct.
· What is the strangest dream you've ever had?
All the dreams that I remember are crazy, I can't just pick one, and it would be too long to write here.
· What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Once I was drunk enough to let people convince me to try fried frog legs, unfortunately I wasn't drunk enough to forget the flavour.
· What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
I think I wanted to be a veterinary at doctor.
· What superpower would you like to have?
Not sure, but I'd say invisibility.
· What is the dumbest lie you've ever told to reject someone?
I don't believe in lies, but it happened that I have a obviously fake name to let them know I wasn't interested.
Feel free to post it with your answers!
I'd love to see @oxy_ @dasirya @fog @ilariahope @mikan @shwnb74 ❤️
Thanks to @missy @rambo @eirenne @lemon @mickey @penny
Love this kind of blog 😍 I’ll do it soon grazie per il tag ❤️
Similar experience with haggus! Pre-google days obviously because if I read this description there wouldn’t be enough booze to get me drunk enough! “A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions,oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal“