Let's all thank @venisons for tagging me gere, as I truly needed someone to kick me out of my laziness ♡ Go follow this girgeous lady, if you still don't!
💋 Let's go!
1. Do you like blue cheese? A lot! Especially italian one, gorgonzola.
2. Coke or Pepsi? I can't taste any difference, so to me it's the same.
3. Do you own a gun? No, but I own a hungarian bow, 2 swords and a few knives.
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? I guess I wouldn't like any.
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I usually don't eat them, but I am totally in love with czech ones 😍
6. Favorite TV show? Uhmmm... I loved Vikings and La Casa de Papel, but my everytime fav. is still Scrubs.
7. Favorite Movie? Many Disney Classics, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle.
8. What do you drink in the morning? I used to drink goat milk, but now I turned to rice milk, as I'm usually thirsty at morning.
9. Can you do a push up? Of course ♡
10 Favorite jewelry? Tattoos ♡
11. Favorite hobby’s? Reading, writing, searching for new songs, martial arts...
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? I guess so 😂
13. Do you wear glasses? Only on a distance
14. Favorite cartoon character? Vegeta is the first that comes to my mind
15. Three things I did today? Worked, had a shower, ordered some chinese food (laziness is the way)
17. Three things you drink regularly? Water, rice milk, beer.
18. Current dislikes? My salary and my freetime amount :(
19. Favorite place to go? Just put me in a forest, or near a tree that I can climb on, and I'll be happy. Also, visiting my hometown Genova and hang out with my friends ♡
20. How did you bring in the New Year? In total poorness 😂😂😂
21. Where would you like to go? I want to visit Iceland and S. Petersburg, definetly.
22. Name five people who will do this? @romanastral @alessiasnowhite @saravi @dasirya @shimmy666
23. Favorite color? I'd say black, blue and green.
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I've never tried
25. Can you whistle? No, at all! My father tried so hard to teach me, but there's no way 😅
26. What are you doing right now? Lying in bed waiting for my chinese 🍱
27. Would you be a pirate? ARRRRRR!!
28. Favorite food? Whatever, just don't force me on fish.
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My Merlino crying for food ♡
30. Last time you received flowers? Around 4 months ago
31. Most recent injury? My safetyshoes almost broke my feet, I had to buy some professional shoe soles to reduce the pain...
32. How many pets are in your HOUSE? Usually just my black cat Merlino, but sometimes my neighbors' cats Romeo and Simba come to take a look inside 😂
33. Worst pain ever? When I had to surgery my appendix and, after that, the doctor decided to remove the draining probe quite rudely. I still hate him.
34. Do you like to dance? Yesss!! If only I was able too...
35. Are your parents still alive? Yep!
36. Do you love your life? Usually I do
37. Summer or Winter? Both, just hate Fall's rains
38. How many grandchildren do you have? None!!
39. Car or Van? Car, I guess
40. People Person? What??
I love this format!! If you want, leave a comment with 5 to 15 questions and I'll answer in a similar blog ASAP ❤❤❤
Hope that @missy and @rambo will like it too ♡
Here's a pic from my very last set, if you haven't seen it yet 🚿
@brunhild Yes, I had already viewed your set and loved it. As you say, not everyone gets excited over flowers. When my wife was alive, I bought her flowers once or twice a month. She very much enjoyed them.