My Dear,
I know I'm being very unactive on the site, I'm truly sorry about it, I love this community, here I found so many beautiful people, here nobody ever got rude with me, and I'm sorry I have no time to dedicate to such a lovely gruop of people.
I've just changed home and I'm somehow camping in my own house, I don't have a kitchen yet, so I cook on a camping fire, I only have a wardrobe and a tiny kitchen furniture piece, so I'm surrounded by boxes, and it's more stressful than I thought it would be. I don't even have a couch to chill on while the fireplace is on! Because, yes, I have a fireplace now, but if I want to enjoy iy I have to sit at the dining table or sit on the floor... That's definetely stressfull.
Also, at work we are facing a very strong period, today I worked 10 hours, one Saturday out of 3 I have to step in (the other 2 Saturdays are covered by my 2 colleagues, we are shifting), and when I get back home I need to find some time to let my cat explore the outside, so when I finally have some time for myself I just want to cook something fast for dinner and step in bed. There were days when I got in bed at 20.30, not even my 94 y.o. grandma sleeps so early!
The new house has some problems too, but I don't want to bother you further!
Here we are, and I'm grateful to have you around, to see your comments and your messages, it's like a huge, warm hug to me. It helps me get life easily and smiling!
I wanted to get back on #bloghomework and, while reading the titles, I chose this one:
What story (book/movie/tv show/etc.) has had the biggest impact on your life?
First of all I want to thank @rambo @missy and @lyxzen for the topic, because it allows me to speak about my fav book serie: The Dark Tower from Stephen King.
Those 7 books just totally changed my life, the way I look at the Universe, I also desined a tatto about it and I hope to save enough money to get it.
Because of those books I want a deep red rose bush in my garden, because of those books I always notice number 19, sometimes I find myself thinking "everything's gone 19" and suddenly stop myself from saying that because NO ONE EVER would understand, I would look so weird!
When I signed my job contract, the lady told me about the turtle living in the company's ountain and asked me if I wanted to name it, because it had no name so far. Maturin was the first name to came in my mind. I still hope that Maturin's really there and somehow cares about me.
Those books gave me nightmares, gave me tears and gave me laughter, gave me so so so much things to "cit.", everything just from that "the man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed".
The gunslinger himself, Rolan from Gilead, is such a deep, controverse, special and perfectly built character.
All the serie tastes true, it gives you the right vibe, it's totally unreal but still it makes sense, you find a deep meaning in it, yo get caught in its web and you cannot get back out.
When somebody askes me about a new book I always reccomend those ones, but often people are scared by the legth of a novel. I never think about it, one thing that makes me happy is to see the bookmark slowly sink into the book (yes, I still read paper books, no Kindle) and wish it will never end. You have your whole life to read a novel, how can you be scared??
Let me know about your fav books, if there are some, or if you get scared by a long and "heavy" book, I'm curious and also I have nothing to read by now, give me new ideas!
For now I cheer you and wish you a happy everything with this pic from my las set in MR, hopng you'll appreciate it đź’–
Let's keep in touch!
Brunhild ❤