Dear @rambo and @missy,
The SG Community led me to some awesome results in few years, just 2 years ago I was the not-so-bad girl from the next door, the "manly", the un-graceful... Now I grew u as a model, many photographers ask me to shoot with them, I start to see myself beautiful in more ways than before, and also my las set, shot by the fully talented and flawless @fishball is now rocking the MR with the greatest result I ever reached.
There are no words to thank you enough, you my Darling, you that commented, you that follow me step by step and keep encourage me.
This result is also your merit, and I cannot thank you as you deserve.
Here is an extract from my Honey Amber, hoping you'll like <3
Also, thanks to the SG world, I got to find some new and true friends, one for all is @romanastral, who I hope I will meet for a new music video of his band \m/
I met a lot of new girls and I'm so thankful, I have been lonely for a long time, but now I found new friends to chill with, to share my life and, long story short, to be friends with.
Those gorgeous girls are @raravis and @celtia, I also had the pleasure to shoot wit them and I hope to shoot again soon. There are then 2 who are truly close to me, even if our homes are not so close, and they are @dasirya (Lady, one of these days we MUST shoot together) and @alessiasnowhite.
I am glad to tell you, my Dear, that @alessiasnowhite has another set shot by @fishball and which I'd be glad you'd see, as it's truly gorgeous... Don't you want to join her in this gorgeous Lazy Sunday?
I'd love to shoot a multi with her, don't you think it would come out great? <3
That's all, Dear, thank you again for making it all possible <3 <3
Bunch of love,