Hi everyone..
Im gonna be away for 3 days !
I'll be going here..

Lago Chungara.. Its like 6 hrs away from where I live..
Its like a school trip , we have to do some research and investigation( water , land, animals, etc )
This place is really high I mean Altitudes.. Im gonna be sooo sick, I bet you a snicker that I'll be all dizzy and throwing up haha
But thats why I started taking some pills to avoid that ..
Well Im full of work ..Such as investigation.. and some photoshop work..
Im kinda stressed, I really need some vacations.. but in a month or two I'll be heading to Brasil
so Im kinda relaxed, all the hard work will be compensated 
Hope you guys are all right
I'll try to keep in touch, maybe on my cel
hugs and kisses
( I adore you jerk
aww I gotta admit it.. I love ya soo much ! Mi a mo ooorr !
Im gonna be away for 3 days !
I'll be going here..

Lago Chungara.. Its like 6 hrs away from where I live..
Its like a school trip , we have to do some research and investigation( water , land, animals, etc )
This place is really high I mean Altitudes.. Im gonna be sooo sick, I bet you a snicker that I'll be all dizzy and throwing up haha
But thats why I started taking some pills to avoid that ..
Well Im full of work ..Such as investigation.. and some photoshop work..
Im kinda stressed, I really need some vacations.. but in a month or two I'll be heading to Brasil

Hope you guys are all right

I'll try to keep in touch, maybe on my cel
hugs and kisses

( I adore you jerk

de ir a ese lugar
k la pases muy bien
pero tienes razon viene seguidito...
tb fui el ao pasado,,
cuando venga denuevo... vamos juntas