Back again,
Damn it's hot here! Was a bit selfish last night and fell asleep with the aircon on. It's a rather cheep style old unit and by the morning I had well and truely dehydrated myself. I suppose that's a sort of pennance for keeping the neighbours awake.
My folks are currently holidaying in New Zealand, which is great 'cause they work fairly hard and don't get to spend a lot of time together. They are treating it like a honeymoon, which is nice for them but conjures up immages or ugly old person sex
. On the plus side though I may get some funky NZ gifts, carvings and things of that nature. Something with a little cultural significance would be nice.
(wow I'm sooo needy, gimmy gimmy gimmy)
Spent most of my weekend painting and relaxing. Nothing particularly significant enough to post here, but just something to put the old mind to and see what it produces. Oh that and sucking down bucket loads of tea. Thankfully not that I was drinking it from a bucket, but it seemed like a funny mental image at the time.
STILL having little joy with posting pictures to the journal, I need to find a picture editor programe that will allow me to either reduce the resolution of the shots or crop them enough to allow the to be accepted. Any help in this matter would be greatly apreciated.
Well time to check on you guys now hope you are doing ok.
Damn it's hot here! Was a bit selfish last night and fell asleep with the aircon on. It's a rather cheep style old unit and by the morning I had well and truely dehydrated myself. I suppose that's a sort of pennance for keeping the neighbours awake.
My folks are currently holidaying in New Zealand, which is great 'cause they work fairly hard and don't get to spend a lot of time together. They are treating it like a honeymoon, which is nice for them but conjures up immages or ugly old person sex

(wow I'm sooo needy, gimmy gimmy gimmy)

Spent most of my weekend painting and relaxing. Nothing particularly significant enough to post here, but just something to put the old mind to and see what it produces. Oh that and sucking down bucket loads of tea. Thankfully not that I was drinking it from a bucket, but it seemed like a funny mental image at the time.
STILL having little joy with posting pictures to the journal, I need to find a picture editor programe that will allow me to either reduce the resolution of the shots or crop them enough to allow the to be accepted. Any help in this matter would be greatly apreciated.
Well time to check on you guys now hope you are doing ok.
My folks are going to Cuba next month. They were gonna take us kids along, too, but things didn't work out. I want to go!! They're doing New York for their 29th anniversary in April!
Wednesday Morning, 3 am, Simon and Garfunkel.