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Well start of the year here finds most of my friends moving away to better jobs, finishing courses and stuff of that nature. People in this town don't stay long, it's really a stepping stone to other places.
So I suppose that I am a little bummed because despite best intentions, more often than not you loose touch with these people. Part of life though, and on the plus side I suppose that it forces me to go out and find new buddies, don't want to get too comfortable.
Well I had all me Zoo pictures scanned and wacked on my 'puter, just having a few problems reducing the resolution (the images are too large at 3-4 meg), but should have it worked out soon I hope. Need more pictures o stuff to make this journal interesting and not dead boring
Trying to find some of my old piercing rings and such in order to have my nipple rings wacked back in. A couple of them never really closed back up properly so I might be able to use them again. My work doesn't really like "the whole piercing thing" but I am going to see what I can get away with.
Ohhh what a rebel I am har har har!
This is worth a laugh, years ago I bought a 300 disk cd player (very old school, no I don't have 300 cd's). Now I don't throw any music stuff away so I have a strange collection of tunes including metal, 90's pop, hippy stuff, grunge, techno, goth type stuff and the list goes on. Currently with the system on random, rather disjointed tunes are filling the house hyping me up then bringing me back down again. Trippy
Well start of the year here finds most of my friends moving away to better jobs, finishing courses and stuff of that nature. People in this town don't stay long, it's really a stepping stone to other places.
So I suppose that I am a little bummed because despite best intentions, more often than not you loose touch with these people. Part of life though, and on the plus side I suppose that it forces me to go out and find new buddies, don't want to get too comfortable.

Well I had all me Zoo pictures scanned and wacked on my 'puter, just having a few problems reducing the resolution (the images are too large at 3-4 meg), but should have it worked out soon I hope. Need more pictures o stuff to make this journal interesting and not dead boring

Trying to find some of my old piercing rings and such in order to have my nipple rings wacked back in. A couple of them never really closed back up properly so I might be able to use them again. My work doesn't really like "the whole piercing thing" but I am going to see what I can get away with.

This is worth a laugh, years ago I bought a 300 disk cd player (very old school, no I don't have 300 cd's). Now I don't throw any music stuff away so I have a strange collection of tunes including metal, 90's pop, hippy stuff, grunge, techno, goth type stuff and the list goes on. Currently with the system on random, rather disjointed tunes are filling the house hyping me up then bringing me back down again. Trippy

I use Yahoo!Music and boy howdy, is my station ecclectic!