Well I'm all hyped up at the moment due to a concert that I went to last night. I saw a group called the John Butler Trio (a bunch of follows from my home town
), and I have to say they were great.
For those of you who haven't heard of them, I suppose that they sort of fit into the "hippy, greeny, enviro friendly" catigory (apparently this is a catigory, depending on who you ask
). They were just returning home from a stint over in the U.S.A and decided to stop at our town on the way home.
They really invole the audience in their shows (ray), and all in all just appear to be nice people who enjoy their jobs. Well better stop on that line now before I end up sounding like an advertising campaign.
Well not long now untill I return "home" to Perth to visit my parents for christmas. Returning home after an extended asbence can be a little frustrating as unfortunatly things don't remain the same as the memories that you lock away.
Last time I went home I got hopelessly lost just driving arround due to all the new streets, and my messed up sense of direction.
On the plus side though I get to play with this little Kanga dude again and see how big he has grown, I guess I better take the same red shirt (maybe a name tag? har har) so that he has a memory reference point.
Well the kettle is calling so catch you all later.

For those of you who haven't heard of them, I suppose that they sort of fit into the "hippy, greeny, enviro friendly" catigory (apparently this is a catigory, depending on who you ask

They really invole the audience in their shows (ray), and all in all just appear to be nice people who enjoy their jobs. Well better stop on that line now before I end up sounding like an advertising campaign.

Well not long now untill I return "home" to Perth to visit my parents for christmas. Returning home after an extended asbence can be a little frustrating as unfortunatly things don't remain the same as the memories that you lock away.

On the plus side though I get to play with this little Kanga dude again and see how big he has grown, I guess I better take the same red shirt (maybe a name tag? har har) so that he has a memory reference point.
Well the kettle is calling so catch you all later.
Good idea!! 

Wow, that sounds really interesting!