Ray, back on "normal" work hours again. Which I am some what pleased (hence the "RAY") about as I get to have a chat to all my mates during politically correct times. He he.
Spent most of the morning gardening again, which is strange because I don't really water the garden but still it grows! Theoretically I should have killed the darn thing by now, but I beleive that it is hanging on just to spite me.
I know it's a very old series, but my brother critter just recently got me hooked on a series called "Horn Blower". The series (for those who don't know, considering my audience that's not many of you) was shot in England and focuses on Brittish tall ships. I suppose that my interest in the progames stems from my inner Pirate
har har.
-Neopets is too addictive, my por little neo-critters are taking their sweet time to "Do" anything because I don't know how to drive them. When do they Bio-morph into their ultimate forms and smack some Digimon butt?
I wonder if you feed them after midnight do they turn into Gremlins and what happens if you get them wet? Ok enough sillyness.
Well time for more yellow label tea, fill my little belly and stop it from complaining. Had left over pizza but it wants more, obviously a battle of the wills shall ensue. I hope that I can over come.
Far far too nutty now so going to make that tea now.
Spent most of the morning gardening again, which is strange because I don't really water the garden but still it grows! Theoretically I should have killed the darn thing by now, but I beleive that it is hanging on just to spite me.

I know it's a very old series, but my brother critter just recently got me hooked on a series called "Horn Blower". The series (for those who don't know, considering my audience that's not many of you) was shot in England and focuses on Brittish tall ships. I suppose that my interest in the progames stems from my inner Pirate

-Neopets is too addictive, my por little neo-critters are taking their sweet time to "Do" anything because I don't know how to drive them. When do they Bio-morph into their ultimate forms and smack some Digimon butt?

Well time for more yellow label tea, fill my little belly and stop it from complaining. Had left over pizza but it wants more, obviously a battle of the wills shall ensue. I hope that I can over come.

I hear that Hornblower's main character is a very attractive man, but I'd probably be oggling the ships the entire time.
AnnaLee is indeed new to my favourite SG lineup. Venla's user picture changed (she used to have red hair), but she's just too gorgeous to switch out, even though there are plenty of other gorgeous redheads on the site.