Well I may not be contactable for a while now. My work has told me that they want me to go to Pakistan. They are still debating weather or not they need me, and I will get confirmation as of this Sunday.
The reason my work is traveling over there is to assist in disaster relief post the massive earthquake that hit the area. Unfortunatly the aid organisations are struggling to get water and first aid supplies to people, so my work is going over there to help distribute the goods.

I just hope that we can help, disease is aparently smashing the local dudes.
Well on a different topic, I wanted to chech out the SB section to see if I had what it took to whack pictures of me on the sight. Could not get access to the rules and regulations type page, Hmm? I Suppose that I just wanted to find out what a blokey dude had to do, that and to see how many more workout sessions, tatts, piercings and botoxs injections

That or get a trick photo dude to ENLARGE stuff!

In regards to SBs, personally I prefer it when I don't see erections in those sets. I know a lot of people comment when a guy has a huge penis, but I guess I'm funny that way.