Ray, I'm back again. Well busy week getting those blasted helicopter things flying (got a pat on the back form the dudes at work). Some of the problems these things develop can be a little daunting, but being all blokey, you just have to tough them out.

Other than that, I tried to do gardening in the middle of the day, and discovered that the sun in the tropics can really bite. I ended up quite sun burnt and all ouchy (technical term). Thankfully I have learnt my lesson, don't ever do the gardening! Under any circumstances.

Now what other stories do I have? My evil Skynet (known as Bastard Bob) computer and I have reached an understanding, I respect his wishes to kill John conner, and he will let me chat with people and look at cute chicklettes on the net. It's working well so far.

Think that I would rather that Eddie didn't kick the bucket, he seamed a little tougher. However I don't think that it is up to me, Barstard Bob (sorry "Skynet"), gtes to make that call.

The planes covered in vines look so creepy and cool!