The pounding at my window was just a pounding in my head...
I felt like crap yesterday, and went to bed at like 10:30pm. Early for me.
Blee blee blah... so yeah, my Internship Seminar's Text book puts me in stitches. It gave me a dozen positive "I-Messages" to read out loud.
These included such winners as:
(read them aloud in your best Stuart Smalley voice)
"I am building self esteem"
"I maintain a positive outlook"
"I use positive self-talk"
"I visualize success"
"I have a positive self image"
"I find empowerment in my career choices"
"I took it up the pooper for Enron and walked away smiling"
The word empowerment bugs the shit out of me. If you are seeking something which empowers you, wouldn't you be looking for power? I suspect the term empowerment came out of a McDonalds' management seminar in which they determined that using the word "power" to describe what employees walk away with after two years of meaningless burger flipping was too strong and risked inspiring them to organize. So, the mangers gilded the word with a prefix and a suffix, and wa-la! A potential coup was averted, and the corporate world had a beautiful, new, castrated and meaningless term to throw around!
I felt like crap yesterday, and went to bed at like 10:30pm. Early for me.
Blee blee blah... so yeah, my Internship Seminar's Text book puts me in stitches. It gave me a dozen positive "I-Messages" to read out loud.
These included such winners as:
(read them aloud in your best Stuart Smalley voice)
"I am building self esteem"
"I maintain a positive outlook"
"I use positive self-talk"
"I visualize success"
"I have a positive self image"
"I find empowerment in my career choices"
"I took it up the pooper for Enron and walked away smiling"
The word empowerment bugs the shit out of me. If you are seeking something which empowers you, wouldn't you be looking for power? I suspect the term empowerment came out of a McDonalds' management seminar in which they determined that using the word "power" to describe what employees walk away with after two years of meaningless burger flipping was too strong and risked inspiring them to organize. So, the mangers gilded the word with a prefix and a suffix, and wa-la! A potential coup was averted, and the corporate world had a beautiful, new, castrated and meaningless term to throw around!

Dude. I've always hated that fucking word. Hanging around nothing but angry dykes and crusty kids doesn't exactly give you the chance to vent that frusttration. But yeah. You just hit the nail right on the head.