So how about that State of the Union Address...
One week left until I'm gone.
I bet you're all marking your calanders and making plans for all sorts of fun once I've left this joint. Probably have another theme week devoted entirely to my favorite girls, some kind of weird give away where anyone who has a legal named with initials M. E. C. gets all sorts of swag, a lifetime membership, an unopened pack of series 1 garbage pail kids, and a box of juju bees.
Questions of the day:
1. What songs do you associate with Valentines day?
2. Have you ever singled a complete stranger out of a crowd and declared them your arch enemy? If so, why did you select them?
3. What was the strangest, most random thing anyone ever said to you?

One week left until I'm gone.
I bet you're all marking your calanders and making plans for all sorts of fun once I've left this joint. Probably have another theme week devoted entirely to my favorite girls, some kind of weird give away where anyone who has a legal named with initials M. E. C. gets all sorts of swag, a lifetime membership, an unopened pack of series 1 garbage pail kids, and a box of juju bees.
Questions of the day:
1. What songs do you associate with Valentines day?
2. Have you ever singled a complete stranger out of a crowd and declared them your arch enemy? If so, why did you select them?
3. What was the strangest, most random thing anyone ever said to you?