"Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose."

If you know the line sing it with me.
I do know because of the automated e-mail system that I've recieved
some messages. Well, probably just the one. But I'm still not able
to read or respond directly to them. Gov. computers and all. But in
a month and a half I'll be back in AZ so I can respond to that
message. I would guess that it's just hate mail but I doubt...
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So nothing exciting really happens during my day to day. I mean sure
yesterday one of our bomb dogs alerted on a truck but it was nothing. This
evening there has been two explosions in the distance we can't identify and
in our first month here there were a handfull of rocket attacks but one
quickly gets used to this sort of thing. So end...
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I'm standing outside sipping on a fresh cup of coffee, smoking a cigarette.
The suns been down about an hour and the stars are out. In the distance I
can hear some frogs croaking over the drone of the generators, at least I
think their frogs. Anyway thats what I shoose to believe. If I just look
at the stars I can imagine myself back...
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It's amazing how twelve hours of sleep, a shower and a cup of coffee can
make you feel human again. We should only be in Quatar a couple more days
before we get a flight so we have nothing to do but wait.

At least I've got coffee.


<div>It&#39;s amazing how twelve hours of sleep, a shower and a cup of coffee can make...
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If emailing these entries works this will be the beginning of my deployment
journal. I don't expect I'll be able to access the site from a Gov.
computer so if anyone is responding to this stuff I won't know it. I'll
just be a voice in the dark.

I'm in Quatar right now and we're waiting to catch a flight to Kirkuk in
Iraq. We...
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I envy your happiness and giddy feelings of new love. I feel sorry for you because this is the third time and I don't believe you're ready for it. I hate you for never acknowledging how I felt about you then. I miss you and driving home with the smell of your hair in my head. I'm dissapointed in myself for never making you see,...
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I sometimes wonder if I've been talking to myself in the dark while the voices of the people next door arguing comes through the wall and light from their front porch comes through my curtains. The ceiling fan whirs above me and I find solace in clean sheets.

My thoughts whir around too like the ceiling fan. I can't shut it down. I try to...
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I've got a new obsession and it's a cartoon. I started reading The Boondocks the comic strip over a year ago. But when I saw my first episode of the cartoon The Boondocks I nearly shit myself. Aaron McGruder is blasting away at anything having to do with racism, even within the black community itself and racism isn't the only topic that gets worked over....
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I think I know what you mean. In the southern states asking for iced tea well get you sweetened tea but in the northern states You're more likely to get unsweetened.

I've had green tea but not the flavored types. Perhaps I should give it a try?
Thanks so much for your comment on my set!! smile
Well it's morning back in Tucson and it's nice to be home. I woke up really early but just lay around till the phone rang. It was mom. Seems there's been a huge ice storm in the midwest and I didn't even notice.

Mom and dad have been without power since Fri night and without water since Sat. They've got wood heat though and they...
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