Yesterday was a fucking rough one....seemed no matter what I did or where I went...shit was coming apart at the seams. Nothing I can't handle...but way more than I want to think about. I'm usually a happy-go-lucky mother fucker...shit has a way of not getting under my skin, but yesterday hit me like a ton-o-bricks. I'm not sure why I let it get me down,...
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smile Tomorrow will always be better ....hopefully!!.....I love you!! love kiss
Well well well......this is my first blog, I never take time to do these things so now is as good a time as ever....got to start some where right?
Who made it through St. Patrick's Day!! puke I barely survived!! Now I have to fix all the shit I fucked up in my drunken stupper!! Nothing major though....as far as I can remember. Other than feeling...
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