Sometimes life just doesnt work out for some people. My best friend is gonna be 24 and has never truly had a woman. He has dated a couple of girls, ALWAYS long distance and it has never worked out. There was once a girl he liked that was local and before he had a chance to say anything to her she ended up pregnant and married and he lost touch with her for like 6 years. Now there has been this one local chica that he has been friends with since like 9th grade that he had the hots for and i know has liked him but he never said anything to her because she had a boyfriend, who now i know for sure but always suspected was a piece of shit, and now come to find out this girl has been ruined by this guy mentally and emotionally and my friend once again finds himself caring for someone who needs serious help. The kid has no luck and it really breaks my heart to see this happen to him. bleh
he's young and has his whole life ahead of will come his brother was 44 before he finally found love, got married and had a kid...never say never!!

My bestfriend and I were just talking about this... all the good people end up with assholes. When are they supposed to meet each other??? I have a virgin 28 yr old friend, and I would LOVE to hook him up with someone, but I can't find anyone deserving. It sux.