20 days later yea me= the worst keep up with your journals ever. Work has been so busy labor day is coming so we need tons of soda for the peoples. Overtime is great and sucks at the same time. On another note my primarily organic and meat diet is working out well. expensive but well. here is a kick in the balls though, i just woke up a few minutes ago after a after sex nap and i walk into the kitchen wanting a glass of milk. I drink organic milk which is 7 bucks a gallon, its my milk i keeep it in the regular fridge with my dad and my sisters stuff, they have thier own milk so they dont drink mine. well anyway i go in there and my milk is Missing in Action. I begin to get angry and lo and behold there it is sitting on the counter, still a little over a quater full as i left it but sitting out. It has spoiled, must have been out for a few hours. But why? the sell by date is sep 1st it wasnt bad nor was it anyone elses to touch. who ruined my milk? is it wrong for me to want to flip out and smash someones face? I am pretty mad about this....yea pretty mad.

organic milk, whats the difference, and do you notice a taste difference?....that sucks that they left it out, make them buy you a new one!