well i beleive that i am what i am and thats all that i am, which isint saying much, spent the day at a meeting, urgh!! i always dread those things, I dont work in a office setting and the big wigs dont have more than a associates degree from a junior college, but they still want to act superior to others, what gets me is they are regergitating BUZZWORDS that they heard from thier boss and they dont even make sense ( talk about lost in translation) and yet I have to sit there and endure this crap. it wouldnt be that bad if they held the meetings at night seeing as how I work nights but nooo they have to hold them in the day and screw me so you only had 4 hours of sleep big deal you will have to sit in the meeting and then finish your shift that sucks... sometimes your the pigeon and sometimes your the staute.. im my case I always seem to be the statue..
no tap water, no food outside the resort. we weren't sick, just red for a day.
hahahahaha yeaaahhh!!!! TEQUILA!!!! CHEERS!