So I haven't heard from Allie in a while...whatevs.
I was supposed to duplicate my feat of 2 dates in 2 nights with 2 different ladies this weekend, but things seem to have gotten shuffled about, and it looks doubtful as to whether or not that will happen. Moreover even if it were to happen, I'm not sure that I want to go on the second date anymore because frankly the first went well enough that I'd like to devote my energy to that case
Met Rayanne last night for a drink at the Kilkenny. She is CUTE
She claimed to be shy, but it quickly became apparent that that is a load of...She was very chatty, and we had a good little talk. Of course first dates are always kind of awkward, so after we each finished a pint we weren't sure what to do, so I drove her home. Once we got there however, I decided that I didn't want the evening to end just yet, so I decided to go for broke, and bust out the line that has never once worked for me with an attractive young lady (actually she's 2 years older than me) in the past:
Matt: " do you feel about men in spandex and wigs?"
Rayanne: "Uhhh..."
And with that we were on our way to the Haloween Kiss of Death show. As we parked however, I noticed that Catherine's SUV was also there, creating the potential for one of the most fantastically awkward situations ever on a 1st date (I still hadn't spoken with her since being shot down 3 months earlier, despite the fact that she had been cleverly atempting to stalk me (ie: setting up shop at the Rat & Parrot) in an effort to save our friendship). Rayanne met all the characters (minus on Gutierrez, who is now fully domesticated and doesn't come out anymore) in my life, and in some cases seemed to hit it off quite well with them (Kyrsten and Christine love her). The show sucked, but it really doesn't matter when you've got a cute little blonde in your arms
We decided to leave between sets (upon hearing rumors that Dennis was to perform the 2nd set topless...seriously, no one wants to see that), but before we did, Cat came over finally after sitting awkwardly accross the table all night, and introduced herself. She was very polite, very non-confrontational, and VERY happy to see me. She also grabbed Rayanne to make sure that she knew that she quote, unquote "had a keeper".She then left so as not to further disturb us.
On the drive home, I let Rayanne pick the music (always a key test), and suffice to say that by picking Toto, and more specifically electing to listen to Africa on repeat, she passed said test with flying colors. Of course, there was the awkward goodbye in the car (am I the only one who thinks cars are the worst place for goodbyes? Any sort of move you want to make takes a ridiculous amount of effort just to position yourself...even a hug is awkward). I'm damn near positive she wanted a little more than a hug, but as it so happens I'm currently a carrier of one of the nastier colds I've come accross, and didn't want to forever be remembered as the guy who gave her the worst cold ever on a 1st date (allthough part of me hopes that she catches it anyways, so that I can't use that excuse anymore...I know, I'm a terrible person). And so I drove home-wards, in a rather elated state.
Stopped by the bar again on my way home to see if anyone needed a ride. Kyrst was T-RASHED. Kept mentioning how sexy Grant was looking, and that I should make sure that she didn't go home with Garrett...uh oh...boyfriend's been up on the rigs too long. She went home with Grant because her car was parked at his place, so hopefully nothing happened otherwise her boyfriend will KILL Grant. Garrett didn't want to come home yet because he's an alcoholic (he used those exact words, while beads of sweaty alcohol formed on his forehead). Oh well, at least he knows it, and at least he can't drive anymore. And with that I rushed home where I lay awake contemplating the evening's events...and what to do about my date with Lannie (rescheduled for Monday). Shit...she's the sweetest girl, but I doubt that she can compete with Rayanne at this point...that was way too good a 1st date. Moreover, I've talked to her on the phone a few times, and she has a bit of a hang up because her ex refused to be exclusive with her, and as a result she thinks all men behave that way...hmmm...what am I doing?
Ah well, time will tell...and hopefully, I'll be spending more of it with Rayanne
I was supposed to duplicate my feat of 2 dates in 2 nights with 2 different ladies this weekend, but things seem to have gotten shuffled about, and it looks doubtful as to whether or not that will happen. Moreover even if it were to happen, I'm not sure that I want to go on the second date anymore because frankly the first went well enough that I'd like to devote my energy to that case

Met Rayanne last night for a drink at the Kilkenny. She is CUTE

She claimed to be shy, but it quickly became apparent that that is a load of...She was very chatty, and we had a good little talk. Of course first dates are always kind of awkward, so after we each finished a pint we weren't sure what to do, so I drove her home. Once we got there however, I decided that I didn't want the evening to end just yet, so I decided to go for broke, and bust out the line that has never once worked for me with an attractive young lady (actually she's 2 years older than me) in the past:
Matt: " do you feel about men in spandex and wigs?"
Rayanne: "Uhhh..."
And with that we were on our way to the Haloween Kiss of Death show. As we parked however, I noticed that Catherine's SUV was also there, creating the potential for one of the most fantastically awkward situations ever on a 1st date (I still hadn't spoken with her since being shot down 3 months earlier, despite the fact that she had been cleverly atempting to stalk me (ie: setting up shop at the Rat & Parrot) in an effort to save our friendship). Rayanne met all the characters (minus on Gutierrez, who is now fully domesticated and doesn't come out anymore) in my life, and in some cases seemed to hit it off quite well with them (Kyrsten and Christine love her). The show sucked, but it really doesn't matter when you've got a cute little blonde in your arms

We decided to leave between sets (upon hearing rumors that Dennis was to perform the 2nd set topless...seriously, no one wants to see that), but before we did, Cat came over finally after sitting awkwardly accross the table all night, and introduced herself. She was very polite, very non-confrontational, and VERY happy to see me. She also grabbed Rayanne to make sure that she knew that she quote, unquote "had a keeper".She then left so as not to further disturb us.
On the drive home, I let Rayanne pick the music (always a key test), and suffice to say that by picking Toto, and more specifically electing to listen to Africa on repeat, she passed said test with flying colors. Of course, there was the awkward goodbye in the car (am I the only one who thinks cars are the worst place for goodbyes? Any sort of move you want to make takes a ridiculous amount of effort just to position yourself...even a hug is awkward). I'm damn near positive she wanted a little more than a hug, but as it so happens I'm currently a carrier of one of the nastier colds I've come accross, and didn't want to forever be remembered as the guy who gave her the worst cold ever on a 1st date (allthough part of me hopes that she catches it anyways, so that I can't use that excuse anymore...I know, I'm a terrible person). And so I drove home-wards, in a rather elated state.
Stopped by the bar again on my way home to see if anyone needed a ride. Kyrst was T-RASHED. Kept mentioning how sexy Grant was looking, and that I should make sure that she didn't go home with Garrett...uh oh...boyfriend's been up on the rigs too long. She went home with Grant because her car was parked at his place, so hopefully nothing happened otherwise her boyfriend will KILL Grant. Garrett didn't want to come home yet because he's an alcoholic (he used those exact words, while beads of sweaty alcohol formed on his forehead). Oh well, at least he knows it, and at least he can't drive anymore. And with that I rushed home where I lay awake contemplating the evening's events...and what to do about my date with Lannie (rescheduled for Monday). Shit...she's the sweetest girl, but I doubt that she can compete with Rayanne at this point...that was way too good a 1st date. Moreover, I've talked to her on the phone a few times, and she has a bit of a hang up because her ex refused to be exclusive with her, and as a result she thinks all men behave that way...hmmm...what am I doing?
Ah well, time will tell...and hopefully, I'll be spending more of it with Rayanne