Guilt receding. Frankly, her reaction to my admitting that I would not be calling her justified that decision...
Switching tracks...
So Andrea quit the group today...she'd had enough with Roland (Dr. Roesler to everyone else). We've all been a bit frustrated with him lately. I know she's only moving upstairs (joining the group of the "retired" Tris Chivers) but I'm gonna miss her a ton. Kelly and Hanh (my other group members) are great, but they're co-workers...Andrea was a friend, and it made the long days in the lab, and the late nights studying in the office more bearable to have her around (Don't tell her any of this...can't have her thinking that I enjoy her company
) I guess I'll get over it, but it's kinda the end of an era...moreover now I'm the only one left in the group whose research wont work. Kinda jealous too...she lucked out, she's going to a better place...bigger lab and/or office, fewer students with whom she needs to share them, and she'll be working for the man generally accepted as the best inorganic chemist in Canada.
Enjoyed my vacation last week, though the 3 degree mornings were a bit chilly...probably didn't help my cold either. Then again, neither did attempting to scramble to the summit of Cascade mountain ...nor did drinking by the river with Chris, Dan and their respective ladyfriends on Sunday night...nor did yelling until I was hoarse at the Labor Day Classic (Yeah Stamps (inside joke)!)
Final words of wisdom:
For all you that have $9.99 (+tax) burning a hole in your pocket, GO BUY THE NEW IRON MAIDEN ALBUM. Freakin' awesome ("e=mc^2, you can relate" may challenge for my new favorite lyric in any song)
Carry on my wayward/absent (you know who you are) sons!
Switching tracks...
So Andrea quit the group today...she'd had enough with Roland (Dr. Roesler to everyone else). We've all been a bit frustrated with him lately. I know she's only moving upstairs (joining the group of the "retired" Tris Chivers) but I'm gonna miss her a ton. Kelly and Hanh (my other group members) are great, but they're co-workers...Andrea was a friend, and it made the long days in the lab, and the late nights studying in the office more bearable to have her around (Don't tell her any of this...can't have her thinking that I enjoy her company

Enjoyed my vacation last week, though the 3 degree mornings were a bit chilly...probably didn't help my cold either. Then again, neither did attempting to scramble to the summit of Cascade mountain ...nor did drinking by the river with Chris, Dan and their respective ladyfriends on Sunday night...nor did yelling until I was hoarse at the Labor Day Classic (Yeah Stamps (inside joke)!)
Final words of wisdom:
For all you that have $9.99 (+tax) burning a hole in your pocket, GO BUY THE NEW IRON MAIDEN ALBUM. Freakin' awesome ("e=mc^2, you can relate" may challenge for my new favorite lyric in any song)
Carry on my wayward/absent (you know who you are) sons!